eKitabu Monthly Newsletter May 2024 Georgine Auma and Vincent Odhiambo of eKitabu accepting the top Innovation Award at inABLE
June 3, 2024
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Dear Friends,

Since 2018, Studio KSL in eKitabu has developed over 300 sign language video storybooks across 7 different African sign languages. In 2022, Studio KSL’s Digital StoryTime reached over 12M+ viewers weekly on Akili Kids TV according to GeoPoll. Our colleagues, Director of Studio KSL Georgine Auma, and members of her team, Vincent Odhiambo and Susan Thuo, recently participated in the Inclusive Africa 2024 Conference in Nairobi, winning the Inclusive Africa Innovation Award for Digital Story Time.  

We have seen Digital StoryTime's impact on Deaf children, hearing children, and their families in homes across Kenya. Georgine and her team continue to innovate and have worked with over 100 young Deaf signers to widen access to sign language learning and create sign language rich environments. Parents, caregivers, and siblings of Deaf children are excited to see rich stories accessible for all children and learn sign language themselves, as more than 95% of Deaf children are born to hearing parents who have no sign language skills themselves. For most Deaf children, their first exposure to formal sign language is when—and if—they join school.

Thank you to inABLE founder, Irene Mbari-Kirika, the Inclusive Africa team and the community that Irene and her team are bringing together through their work. We honor you, and we are happy we are with you. Asanteni Sana! 

Warmest regards,


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