Dear Friends,
In 2024, we launched our 33-month project with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge Innovation Exchange (KIX): Scaling Inclusive Early Learning with Deaf Children. This initiative is a collaboration across Rwanda, Kenya, and Malawi with Open Development & Education, Kentalis International Foundation, Busara, organizations of persons with disabilities, and public sector stakeholders in all three countries—in Rwanda, with Rwanda National Union of the Deaf (RNUD), Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB), and the National Child Development Agency (NCDA).
This research project works with the impact of creating local sign-language-rich learning environments for early childhood development (ECD), specifically first language acquisition; it also builds evidence on the how of scaling in Rwanda, Kenya, and Malawi. We are deeply grateful for the support from GPE-KIX and equally impressed by the seriousness of purpose and friendliness of colleagues in the GPE-KIX community. What we are finding, even in the first 6 months of the project, motivates us to do our best work.
The project builds on our work in Deaf education led by Georgine Auma, Director of Studio KSL in Kenya. In our model, the impact of sign language rich learning is anchored by Deaf teachers—primarily Deaf women teachers and “caregivers”—at ECD level; “Digital Story Time” video storybooks in local sign languages: Rwandan Sign Language, Kenyan Sign Language, Malawian Sign Language; an evidence-rich sign language acquisition assessment; support for teachers to utilize the materials; and engagement of parents of deaf children in peer support groups and sign language learning. Our colleagues Umutoni Marie-Françoise, Nadia Nibagwire, Pascasie Masengesho, and Yves Dushimimana in Rwanda were the first to organize a country kickoff. Umu shared this perspective:
“Our GPE-KIX project, Scaling Inclusive Early Learning with Deaf Children, focuses on demonstrating the impact of innovation on learning and sharing insights on how to scale. Our KIX findings will contribute to system change because there is a critical need for data in Deaf education—and we commit to sharing knowledge that informs both policy and practice.”
For any who are interested in following our progress and seeing the evidence, as well as tools, we share in the process of conducting this research, we have built an Evidence Library, where we will welcome your feedback, questions, and ideas.
Warmest regards,