2017 Digital Essay Competition Prize Giving Ceremony
October 4, 2017
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DEC Prize Giving – Wed 27th September The event was held at the Sarit Centre and was attended by:DEC winners, finalists, teachers and judges Invited Guests

  • Milcah Gikunju – UON
  • Lydia Kyalo- Kenya Institute for the Blind
  • Emily Ombewa – EDT
  • Martin Kieti – Perkins School for the Blind
  • Mr. Thairu – Loreto High School, 2017 iTOYA winner


  • KPA – Lawrence Njagi, Chairperson
  • KPSA- Mutheu Kasanga – Chairperson
  • KICD- John Kimotho – Deputy Director
  • KLB – Grace Gitiha
  • French Embassy
  • Standard Chartered Bank – Focus on Blindness


  • Longhorn Publishers- Priscilla Wahome
  • Moran Publishers – Timothy Muita
  • OUP- Rosemary Kabura

The 2017 winners list is here: http://www.ekitabu.com/index.php/2017/10/04/2017-digital-essay-competition-winners-list/Photos[gallery ids="|"]

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